An MSA unit blog

An academic blog of the msa under unit guidance from Magda Sibley, Griff Evans and Isabelle Doucet.

Thursday, 24 November 2011


My first wax model, thought by adding the yellow food dye it would look alright but it's starting to turn banana yellow. Watch this space 

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Le Maroc

 I came across this French book, Le Maroc by Jean-Louis Miege, in the depths of the UoM library. It was published in 1952 as part of a Collection Le Beaux Pays. Although I haven't translated the text, there are some great photographs of Fez and other Moroccan cities at the time - and I'd go as far to say that nothing has changed! If you want to have a look, I'll bring it along to studio!
Images from Le Maroc by J-L. Miege. 1952.